Thursday, November 21, 2013

The woes of being tethered

A condition of being bound to something, sort of like if it goes down so do you. This is how I can best describe my cell network provided interwebs. Cell phone reception here at mom's is sketchy at best and using a "wireless hot spot" to connect with well, just fucking sucks. Uploading pictures sucks even more. 7 meg DSL at home has spoiled me for sure.

I have been chasing the elusive DSL connection here at the ranch for some time now. I have been somewhat of a pain in the ass for ATT but we finally received the offer through snail mail.... last August....  I called today and good news was to be had. We get our "Ultra Bitchin', Never thought life would be this fucking awesome, InterWebs in a box kit" this Monday.

Sorry about the no picture thing as I would have posted some stuff up from my San Dago Hombre today. Interwebs keeps glitching on big stuff.

I will suffer through uploads for Femme Friday and Bettie Mae Monday (I do those posts just for me. I'm a freak like that) but, until the big day comes I will mostly blather.

Thanks to those who keep checking back. Welcome to my first time visitors.

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